I know many of you don't really satisfied what you are driving now. In fact, i am the one too. Everyone has dreams. One of my dreams is to have nice and big cars. I guess, I've had this dream since i was young.
so.... What's your dream car?
Ferrari ???
Lamborghini ???
or Porsche ??
Ok, let's see how good and luxury was the transportation in Vietnam...
Vegetable Ride..
Hm.. Probably they were quarreling last night.
Ox Ride
Off to school
Public Transportation
The latest Toyota Camry
If you are still not satisfied with your car now, i will send you to Vietnam!!
so.... What's your dream car?

Ok, let's see how good and luxury was the transportation in Vietnam...

If you are still not satisfied with your car now, i will send you to Vietnam!!
now i know that i should be grateful..
the ox ride is hilarious..
walao e...
veri funny..haha..
actually my gong gong usually fetch 3 of my siblings including me to go around his house...hahaha!!
it is jz like pic "OFF TO SCHOOL"
i want porsche! :D
hehehe... you have good humor victor. The ox must be crying all the way to his final journey. The funniest photo here is the one that you've quoted "might have had a quarrel".
That's a good one. Reminds me to be grateful for whatever car I'm driving now, or whatever I have. Anyway, I don't think I will spend a lot of money on cars as they are liabilities. The value drops as soon as the car leaves the showroom! Furthermore, nowadays if you drive expensive cars, you are target for robbers, so even some rich people settle for Proton only.
Callister: Yeah, now i satisfied with my Myvi car! Haha. Thanks god! Oh, that's a pity OX..
Xioawei: Lols, I saw this in Sibu before too. or maybe that's you??
Carrot: I want Lamborghini!! ^_^
The Dong: Thanks.. God bless that OX.. Ya, i love that photo too.. Poor wife!! Must be so regret..
foongpc: Thanks.. Ya, i'm grateful with my car too.. Ya, the value drops every weeks. No wonder Proton is still the best seller.. Lols..
wow..u have indeed traveled very far and wide
tat was when i was small....
oly 3 years old!!!
n u r oly four years old nia..
how can u c me?????
i oso see tat situation in sibu too...
I love tat kind of gong gong>...
hahaha... I had a barrel of laughs especially the photo of "Probably they were quarreling last night". Hey, I've been to Vietnam but I haven't seen anything like this particularly the "awkward hilarious positions". :)
i don need a car by myself.. in fact, i don know how to "function" the car also.. *don say too clear at here lah -> dr_v_* hahaha :p
My 1.3 Wira's over 12 years old and still in perfect condition...and I don;t have any intention to get a new car. No money, economy no good...and the car still good what! Old man no need to bergaya mah! When you take me in ur Myvi for a ride? LOL!!!
I saw these situation also at vietnam.. pity le..
I think the Camry is the coolest :P. LOL.
Better save money to buy a house than a car, right?
Btw, there's a prize awaiting those who guessed correctly on my blog. Read latest updates : )
BengBeng: I never been there.. i get those photos from net..
Xioawei: Lols, so that's not you!! Wrong person..
asiantraveler: Ya, i love that photo too.. Maybe that's happens in the rural site..
HelloKitty:Zzz.. why you don't want to learn it?? Or you want to hire a driver in the future??
Suituapui: Better than no car rite?? Myvi? Nothing special about Myvi ler.. Anytime lah.. next time we can go Bintangor for Rojak,,
Keeyit: I wish to go there next time.. See whether it's true or not.
Emo: Yeah, 2008's model! With Best Car Award 2008
foongpc: Yup, House better and can do investment somemore..
Cool, any prize for me?
Haha Victor, you still haven't told us what's your dream car yet? So does that means that you're satisfied with your Myvi now?
Sometimes having dreams is a good thing, as it motivates us in working harder!
Stanley: Umm.. My dream car should be Mercedes-Benz S500.. Quite satisfied lar but i still prefer better car.. Thanksss
S500, great choice there. My dream ride would be the BMW M5, family + sporty in one whole package, what more can you ask for? Just looking at the car is enough to make me flood myself with my own saliva! Yeshhhh~~! ^_^
Stanley: my second dream ride is Bmw S-5.. and my second wife will be car!! haha
aren't there any traffic law in vietnam
it reminds me of my young age..
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