I went for the hash run yesterday which was organized by the Rainforest Club every Sundays at the different venues. The venue for hash run yesterday was at the jungle behind the Huge Temple along the Sibu to Bintulu Road.

There was a briefing for the First Timer. You need to take down you name and pay RM5 for adult and RM3 for children for the run fee at the registration counter.

In a hash, the participants walk at their own pace and at their own risk.

The route for the hash run is a bit challenging.

I enjoyed the hashing every much and it took 1 hours for the whole journey.

After the hash, you can have a free soft drink. For those who are interested, the venue for the next hash run will be at "Kemuyang" and it starts at 4pm.
thanks for the information, sure like to join next time
No, thank you! If I join, you'll have to carry me all the way! Hahahahahaha!!!
That sounds good... run also need to pay $. :)
de journey take 1 hour to go there ??
then how ab bec?
i will go e soon. i thought it was a run. if walk, mayb canlah. r u going to longhouse this weekend?
wkh: Hope to see you there!! ^_^
suituapui: Zzz, are you sure? Maybe you are the one who carry me later. haha!
Irenelim: Haha, pay Rm5 per run! I drank 3tins of softdrink to get back my RM5..
xioa???: i meant whole journey!! haha..
Beng: Hope to see you there too! Longhouse? U mean on 13th rite?? ya, i'm going!
wow! you're an environmentalist in a way. ive never tried joining those events but i really want to.
What's a hash run and what's the purpose of it?
fongpc: It's like a sport, its like when you're asking whats the point of running and jogging, hope you get the idea, hehe~
Victor: Take the LONG route next time, push your limits!
thedong: Am i?? We can organize an international blogger hash run..
foongpc: information that i got from internet:--> A run. A trail is laid by one of the hashers (the hare). The trail consists of chalk or flour marks, or pieces of paper, depending on the particular hash. The trail can be pre-laid or begun just a few minutes ahead. At a given signal the rest of the hash, (the harriers, hounds or pack) set off in pursuit. The idea is that there will be tricks, or false trails, so that the pack stays somewhat together. The length and difficulty of the run depends on the hash, and the hare, but will typically be between 6 and 10 km, or about an hour.
Stanley: Long route? gonna die half way! haha
You come run at my place la, but pay me RM5 also. Bring all your friends, and they all pay me RM5 each. After the run, I buy you a meal. Hahaha...
i've nvr participate any of these activities b4! maybe someday i should :) it looks fun
i've nvr participate any of these activities b4! maybe someday i should :) it looks fun
I don't think I can do it...
neo: 10% commision for me please!! Haha..
carrot: ya.. It's fun! you should go for it one day.. Good for your health too!!
keeyit: why?? Even 7years old kids can hash better than me!! haha
wow~ I think I will pengsan at half of the way.. haha~ got shortcut? I will find a shortcut.. hahahaha!! :p
wah good workout i guess but looks very hot (warm) 2 me. u know i cannot tahan heat...... but then if u have the will (stamina) then u can endure anything.... I go for the free drink ......
sorry that was me with the previous comments for free drink ..... lah .tiff
If there's one in Kuching, I might consider joining :)
Kitty: There is no short cut!! If you don't mind, you can overnight there!! haha..
Tiff: There is a hash in Singapore too! You can bring Shawn and Shannon together! Haha.. they will just complaining all the way.. haha
Xioawei: You know that i don't know any Chinese word..
ahlost: You can be the organizer!! ^_^
overnight? hahaha~ ok.. build a canvas there.. thanks for ur information.. hahaha~ :p
Oh, thanks for the explanation, victor! Sounds like fun : )
HelloKitty: Good idea!! Have a nice stay with monkeys and snakes! haha
Foongpc; you're welcome!
u really dun know any Chinese word??
how ab ur name??
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