It seems like everyone likes to post something that related to food in their blog nowadays. Sometimes, it really made me hungry when i viewed those nice and delicious food in their blogs. So today, it's my turn here to make you feel hungry. *Evil Laugh*
Does this looks yummy???

Steamboat.. How about this??

Yam eggs.. mmm-mmm good!!


Mixed Vegetables Claypot..

Fresh Oysters.. Sweet and Juicy

Prawns & BBQ Chicken..

Hot and Spicy Steamboat..

Salmon fish...

Forgot what's this called.. haha..

Sweet and Sour Steamboat

"Ang Gu Kueh" in hokkien

Salad Tofu..
Ok, Enough!!! Please don't hate me after you enjoyed all these nice and delicious food's photos and now you know how was my feeling after i viewed those blogs that are full of foods.
P/S: mmmm-mmmm goood!!
where are you now? hope i am not to late to join you
jj: In sibu now.. thanks for the comment! You didn't miss out anything.. lols
You got me all hungry looking at the foods! I think I like the sweet and sour steamboat.Yummy! : ) much food. How many people eating? :P
wei...1 of the dish nt called "Ang Gu Kueh". it is called "chang Gu Kueh"....haha
foongpc: Lols, Ya, i like that too!
Emotionalistic: 10 person per table.. i made myself hungry too! zzz..
Xioawei: ZZZ!! Haha.. never heard that b4 ler..
OMG!! It's not even lunch hour break here for me and you've got my tummy growling in hunger!!
I see now you're joining in the blogs that fall into the "don't visit this site, when you're hungry! *kidding only*
Not my blog, my lousy pics u see oso no 'lau nua'. Tat fish is 'salmon', eh? - suituapui
summon fish looks really really good. i like fish dishes.
aiyoh i cannot tahan with all d yummy food!!!!!!!!!!! tell me where to get/eat them leh. making me hungry/longing for them....... all looks so yummy & delicious!! where my share???? huh........tiff
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when i show my colleges the photo, they all keep "wow wow", i have to cover myself with umbrella to keep away the salavia
Hey Victor, where did you took those pics from? Are they all from Sibu? Name the place man~ *sluurrrpp*
napaboaniya: Lols.. Don't worry.. few more minutes to lunch time!!
suituapui: Ops! Spelling mistake! haha.. Oh! You're the one who made me hungry all the time!! lols..
dominic: It's Ok for me.. i prefer meats!
Tiff:Paiseh! All inside my stomach now!! haha..
banoriou: Ok, Thanks for the information!
wbm: *evil laugh* ask them to bring you for lunch!! actually i made myself hungry too!! :)~
Stanley: From Taiwan!! Food Paradise~ Hiak Hiak..
I can't live without food too! ;-) yeah, now I feel hungry.. LOL!
Monica: Ya, i think most of the people can;t live without food..
still looking at d delicious glorious food leh. want to sink my teeth into the "unagi" fish meal. must go to jap resturant to makan soon.......for that. guess have to wait for d time being. regards. tiff
I want to go Sushi King now !!
anyone wants to join? *LOL*
ahlost: Me Me Me!!!!!!! I Want To Go!!
You are most cruel, Victor! Evil, evil man! Now I'm starving...
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